Admissions & Services
Anyone may call one of our behavioral health units to make a referral. Referrals may be made by physicians, health care professionals, friends, or family. A free confidential assessment can be scheduled in the individual's home, at the hospital or physician's office, or wherever the individual feels most comfortable. All admissions are reviewed with, ordered, directed, and supervised by a licensed psychiatrist.
If a patient's assessment determines that a stay at an inpatient behavioral health unit would be beneficial, our representative meets with the patient and family members to discuss a treatment program. The program is individually tailored to the needs of the patient, and may include evaluation of medications to determine their effect on cognition, group therapy, teaching of coping skills, and dealing with anxiety issues.
Our Services
Our treatment team is committed to assisting older adults enhance their quality of life. We recognize there are many factors that uniquely affect the elderly patient, including the use of multiple medications to treat various medical complications that come with aging; physical impairments that limit mobility and activities of daily living; and the many life changes and losses that take from their financial, social, and emotional support systems when most needed.
Our treatment provides a balanced mix of psychological and medical care. Treatment program services include:
- Evaluation and Treatment
- Diagnostic Services
- Medication Evaluation
- Dietary Evaluation
- Medical Treatment
- Group Counseling
- Individual Counseling
- Inpatient Treatment
- Physical Rehabilitation
- Activity Therapy including
- Crafts (painting and seasonal projects)
- Reminisce Group
- Movement/Chair Exercises
- Trivia
- Social media holiday celebrations
- Discharge Planning
- Discharge Follow Up
Admission Criteria
Each person is evaluated by our mental health professionals for eligibility and appropriateness for the program. Adults 55+ experiencing the following may be eligible for placement in one of our behavioral health units:
- Severe Depression or anxiety
- Sudden onset or increase in confusion, disorientation or memory loss
- Hallucinations, delusions, and/or paranoia
- Potential danger to self or others
- Sudden change in ability to attend to normal daily activities
- Noncompliance with prescribed psychiatric health regimen
- Problems coping with stressful situations
- Feelings of loneliness, worthlessness or hopelessness
- Suicidal or homicidal thoughts
- Prolonged emotional issues after a major life event
- Behavioral changes related to medications
- Excessive isolation
- Increase or decrease in appetite or sleep
- Trouble concentrating
We will also accept involuntary commitments. All referrals must be medically cleared by the ED provider prior to admission.